Thursday 19 July 2012

Create Animated Video ? So Simple

Today i searching in the web, and i find a Beautiful website, for creating Animated Video

Here is the screen Shot of this Website

Try it, Its a Wonderful website, Create a cartoon video in just a  Minuit

Use simple and create simple.

Tuesday 3 July 2012

Make Your Passport Size Photo online

Here is the best website for create your passport size photo online

Screen Shot of

For More Info Click Below weblink

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Fundamental Forex Analysis-Top Economic Elements Affecting the Forex Market

As its name implies, Fundamental Forex analysis is a fundamental strategy of trading widely used by online Forex traders. It is the combination of certain plans, unpredictable behaviors, and unforeseen events found out from the factors like interest rates and the policy of central bank and even natural disasters. The economic conditions in the currency native country along with a number of other factors are the top economic elements. In other words, any fundamental part of the economy is included into the fundamental analysis. A decent fundamental Forex analysis includes a number of macroeconomic factors like economic growth rates, interest rates, inflation, unemployment level and others.

Element No.1: The economy will be affected by the investment performance. It includes business cycle, inflation or deflation influence.

A. The Business Cycle
The activity of the economy is generally shown by the business cycle. The business cycle consists of four stages: recovery (also known as expansion), peak, contraction (also called recession), and trough.
B. Inflation
At the moment of business cycle peak the amount of goods on demand gets higher than the one offer, which is followed by the price increase and inflation. At the inflationary environment, the amount of money offered for the goods is too high and it makes the conditions for the prices to rise. This lowers the customer’s ability for purchasing.
C. Deflation
During deflation the economical activity lowers making the employers fire the workers and lowering the demand. This is generally followed by the prices lowering that turn into deflation. Deflation is characterized as a process of strong and prolonged prices reduction. The following demand rise is caused by low prices.

Element No.2: Gross National Product (GNP)

Gross National Product is one of the key indicators of the economic activity. It measures the overall wealth of the country. There are 4 components included in the GNP. They are consumer spending, government spending, investments, and net exports.

Element No.3: Monetary Policy

The control of money and credit supply within the economy is the general aim on the monetary policy. The interest rates are affected by these processes, which cause the economic activity decline. The monetary policy is mainly interested in the inflation control.

Element No.4: The activity of the Federal Reserve System (FRS)

The nation’s central bank is the Federal Reserve System. The Federal Reserve Board of Governors is responsible for district banks activity coordination.

Thanks to,
More About Fundamental Analysis Click Here

Sunday 24 June 2012

Speech in British Parliament

               "Strongly Truth of  Present Indian Educational System"
"You Believe or not, but Truth is Truth"

               "I have Travelled Across the Length and Breadth of India and I have not seen one person who is begger, whois thief. Such wealth I have seen in this country, such high moral values, people of such caliber, that i do not think we would ever conquer this country, unless we break the very backbone of this nation, which is her spiritual and cultural heritage and therefore, I Propose that we replace her old and ancient education system, her cultural, for if the Indian think that all that is foreign and English is good and greater than their own, they will lose their selfesteem, their native culture and they will become what we want them, a truly dominated nation."

Lord Macaulay
2nd February 1835
Speech in British Parliament

Useful WebLink

Jpg to Pdf  Converter online

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Pdf to Jpg Converter online

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English Speaking Online

Screen Shot of English Speaking